
NHL Season 2022-23 Will Open On October 11

NHL Season 2022-23 Will Open On October 11.

As the NHL continues to work on a regular schedule, commissioner Gary Bettman said that the NHL season 2022-23 will begin on October 11. Bettman also added that the league will release its fixtures in July. Includes the 2023 Winter Classic at Fenway Park in Boston, the 2023 NHL All-Star Game in South Florida, and the Stadium Series game in Raleigh, NC.

NHL Season 2022-23

Jerseys ads coming to the NHL for 2022-23 season.
Jerseys ads coming to the NHL for 2022-23 season.

The NHL has set October 11 as the opening night of the NHL season 2022-23, commissioner Gary Bettman said. The date coincides with the 2021-22 campaign, which kicks off on October 12. And seems to be setting the trend for the NHL to open the season in the second week of October. The league regularly moves back and forth midweek. first and the second week of the month.

If this season’s calendar is kept intact, the NHL will announce its full schedule for the 2022-23 campaign next month. The league announced its schedule on July 22 of last year.

Next season is expected to be the first to fall back on a normal schedule since the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020. This season was briefly paused in late December/early January amid the outbreak of COVID-19 cases, which caused a pushback in the overall schedule.

Every team was able to play the full 82 games of the season despite the delays. This is the first time the league has reached the 82-match milestone since 2018-19.

Bettman also announced the league is posting record revenue this season in excess of $5.2 billion, but the NHL isn’t predicting any significant increases to the salary cap for another two to three seasons. To compare that number with other seasons, the last regular NHL season (2018-2019) grossed $4.6 billion. Therefore, it can be predicted that the salary cap will increase next season.

NHL Schedule Release Date 2022-23

NHL season 2022-23.jpg
NHL season 2022-23.

It is expected that based on the previous NHL Schedule Release Date, we can predict the NHL season 2022-23 broadcast date.

2020 Thursday, December 24
2019 Tuesday, June 25
2018 Thursday, June 21
2017 Thursday, June 22
2016 Tuesday, June 21
2015 Thursday, June 25
2014 Sunday, June 22
2013 Friday, July 19
2012 Thursday, June 21
2011 Thursday, June 23
2010 Tuesday, June 22
2009 Wednesday, July 15
2008 Thursday, July 17

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