
Ex-girlfriend of billionaire Jeffrey Epstein – Ghislaine Maxwell commits 5 sex trafficking crimes

Ghislaine Maxwell on 29/12/2021

Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted of sex trafficking after using all means to recruit 14-year-old girls to be sex slaves for scandalous billionaire Jeffrey Epstein.

People reported on December 29/12, a New York City grand jury found Ghislaine Maxwell guilty of 5 of 6 counts of luring, luring, and bringing a minor to a location to perform sexual acts with billionaire Jeffrey Epstein. The charge made in the indictment involves four criminals, each with their own punishment.

Ghislaine has been living behind bars in Brooklyn since being arrested by the FBI in July 2020. Initially, the 60-year-old woman pleaded not guilty. After the trial on November 29, Ghislaine admitted all wrongdoing.

What happened at the trial

American attorney Audrey Strauss presented a series of documents against Ghislaine, alleging that the woman conspired and helped the billionaire pedophile to identify, befriend and represent underage victims. Ghislaine then took the kids to Jeffrey for sex.

The lawyer added, the victim had girls only 14 years old. “Ghislaine takes little girls to the movies and shopping, pretending to care about them before doing evil things,” said Audrey Strauss.

After building trust with the victim, Ghislaine tries to normalize teen sex through “child grooming”. “Ghislaine discussed the subject of sex with the girls, undressed in front of them, and taught them sex acts in the service of Epstein,” the attorney wrote in the indictment.

Ghislaine Maxwell on 29/12/2021
Ghislaine Maxwell on 29/12/2021

The jury found her not guilty of the second offense: soliciting a minor to travel to perform an illegal sexual act.

Earlier in the day, the jury requested transcripts of testimony from five witnesses. The jury had two days off for the Christmas holiday and had originally planned to have two days off for the New Year, but Judge Alison Nathan asked them to be present to work on the transcripts.

At 4:57 p.m., all parties had assembled in the courtroom and Ms. Nathan told them, “We’ve got our verdict.” She asked everyone to stay calm and reminded them that there are federal police officers on hand just in case. After the verdict was read, she thanked everyone in the room and told them they could disperse.

The testimony of Ms. “Jane”, who attested to her being abused by Mrs. Maxwell and the deceased financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein since the age of 14, is directly related to the crimes from first to fourth.

Each non-conspiracy charge contains elements (up to four), and if the jury decides only one of the elements in the unsatisfactory non-conspiracy charges, Mrs. shall not be found guilty for the entire offense.

Maggy Krell, a human rights attorney, a former prosecutor in the California Attorney General’s Office, and the author of the forthcoming book on sex trafficking “Take Down Backpage,” foresees a quick ruling.

“In my experience, before the holidays the jury tends to be assertive,” she told The Epoch Times. “And I don’t think this case is too complicated.”

“You don’t learn [about cases] in law school when the jury comes back.”

Ms. Krell knew the potential victim seduce techniques that the prosecution presented in this case.

“That’s how people seduce. It’s a classic predator technique and it’s universal,” she said.

Ms. Krell said that although Ms. Maxwell’s case involved celebrities, the wealthy, and private jets, “in many ways, it’s a very basic sex-trafficking case going on. out across the country, because the techniques are so classic in the trafficker’s playbook, and that’s seduction,” she said.

As a former prosecutor, Ms. Krell knows how indecisive a jury can be.

“It only takes one juror to reach a dissenting conclusion,” she said. “Finding 12 people who agree is a challenge.”

As for sentencing, “some of these crimes have a mandatory minimum term of 10 years,” Ms. Krell said. “The judge [will] have to determine what she deserves in these situations.”

“Judges tend to be intolerant of defendants like this,” she said.

The sex case of Jeffrey Epstein and those involved, including Ghislaine Maxwell, once shook the showbiz world. From a close advisor to the president of L Brands (the parent company of Victoria’s Secret), Jeffrey hit the bottom of his career after being exposed to dirty sex acts.

Between 2002 and 2005, the billionaire pedophile paid hundreds of dollars to girls as young as 14 (including young models) to get into bed. Thanks to his hold on power, his corrupt behavior remained undetected over the years.

The man born in 1953 was officially arrested in 2018. The sex scandal caused the pro-American media tycoon to be paralyzed, to hang himself in prison before the day the sentence was executed.

Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein’s relationship

According to Reuters news agency, Ms. Maxwell dated Mr. Epstein for many years since the 1990s. They have attended many high-class parties and traveled by private jet. A few months after Epstein’s suicide, she bought a $1 million home in cash in Bradford, New Hampshire, and lived there until her arrest in July 2020.

Ghislaine Maxwell grew up privileged before meeting Jeffrey Epstein
Ghislaine Maxwell grew up privileged before meeting Jeffrey Epstein

During the trial on December 29, two of the four witnesses said they were only 14 years old when Epstein sexually abused them. Three witnesses also allege that Ms. Maxwell touched them and forced them to give Epstein a massage.

Prosecutor Moe argued that Maxwell’s presence made young girls feel more comfortable around Epstein. Without this woman, receiving an invitation to meet a middle-aged man would seem “scary” and “sound alarm bells”.

Moe reminded jurors of bank records that showed Epstein paid Maxwell millions of dollars over many years. According to Moe, the defendant did whatever was necessary to make Mr. Epstein happy in order to maintain her lavish lifestyle. Whatever was necessary to make Mr. Epstein happy in order to maintain her lavish lifestyle.

Judgment will be available in 2022, follow Bipubunny for more information.